If you have no programming experience yet, then the following free materials are recommended to pass:
‣ Iakiv Kramarenko's book:
Intro to Software Development (with examples in HTML, CSS, JavaScript) OR
Harvard's CS50 on edx.org
‣ any of java courses on
edx OR Udemy (
3) OR something simpler like
learnjavaonline.org/If you have experience in programming, but not with Java, then you can quickly get familiar with the language through:
‣ Fast intro to the language syntax:
Learn X in Y minutes Where X=java ‣ Simple interactive tasks on the language syntax in the format of tests:
Java KoansIn the remaining time, you can practice more and harden your skills using one of the following resources:
exercism.io: Java Track ‣
CodinGame ‣
Also, it will be more convenient for you if you will save versions of your code for solving certain problems - using version control systems. I recommend using git and one of its most popular servers –
github.com. Here's a free tutorial on the topic:
Github - Hello World.