Solving practical problems and getting reviews from the best practicing engineers, learn how to write tests easily, build stable locators, effectively expand coverage, write high-quality code in accordance with the best development practices and the PageObject pattern.
Java | C# | Python | JS | TS

test automation

in Web UI
Our format
Tasks 🚩 + FAQ 🧠
Recommendations where to google 👣
Support from tough but wise community 🐻🦊🦧
Individual code reviews from practicing SDET 🥷🏿
  • Basic theory
    Get familiar with recommended "theory", take recommended free basic courses with the support in a closed community.
  • Practice in real cases
    Try to solve with no help, simulating the real case while building test automation on a project.
  • Questions ...
    address to google or course FAQ. In case of failure, if the question isn't beyond the course program – getting hints in the course chat or from one of the curators.
  • Practical knowledge through Code Review...
    After completing the task get individual feedback for further improvement.
  • ... till ideal solution
    Elaborating and improving the solution, go through a series of recorded video-reviews of common mistakes, until a result achieved that meets the best principles and practices for writing tests. Get another individual feedback to the final version of the solution.
What's in Pandora's box?
At the moment workshop tasks are limited to the context of local development of high level system Web UI tests using one of the packs of your choosing:

Java + Selenide + Junit,
Python + Selene + Pytest,
C# + NSelene + NUnit,
JavaScript/TypeScript + SelenideJs + Jest
  • There will be nothing in the course...
    that you can quickly google and get a ready-made recipe from StackOverflow or a detailed video guide on youtube, or chat response, for example – how to configure a grid, how to create a remote driver, how to configure parallel execution, how to setup Allure reporting, how to read parameters from the environment, how to create a "job" on Jenkins and so on. Even for basics of programming we recommend already existing free courses and online workshops on different platforms.

    Here we learn "the hard way". We don't receive ready recipes on a plate, we get a route of getting the most useful experience to become a real SDET in a span of months instead of years.
  • But there will be a lot of nerdiness on...
    refactoring, self-documented code, DRY, KISS and YAGNI principles, OOP nuances, stable locators, PageObjects, and most important – what to test, how and when, how to efficiently extend coverage with tests, that are easy to write and maintain.

    Plus, in the long run – to do this in more than one language. The course built in the way where after completing it in one programming language you can quickly switch to another from the list: Java, C#, Python, JS, TS.

Main goal – to teach you the main engineer soft skill starting from Middle level – solve problems on your own, not tasks for Juniors with clear description and instructions.

So, if after reading a course task you feel "What the heck do they even want from me? o_O"
– we hit the bullseye, here your real training begins;)
How to prepare?
– Course topics
How to sign up?
For full course (levels BASE, DRIVE, BUILD/..., PLUS/..., LEAD, PREMIUM format) you can sign up only after completing mandatory beginner course (BASE), after which in queue order you can book an open spot in the nearest group. Signing up for beginner course BASE requires filling out a questionnaire and taking a test. If you do not pass the selection, we leave recommendations for additional training independently or within our paid formats START/...

Our features


Pure knowledge is no longer worth anything. Everything is already in stock and easily accessible. But are we able to master this knowledge and acquire the appropriate practical skills to use them under any circumstances... And therefore our choice is intensive, maximum independent practice with individual mentoring, so that students build their own neural networks, and do not receive templates of a limited context of application.


Instead of focusing on patterns and tools, we first learn the key principles of programming and refactoring, which allows us to quickly switch between any programming languages or tools. And in order to make it even easier to master new languages when necessary, we provide most of the materials immediately in a multi-language format (Python/Java/C#/JS/TS).

Have questions?

embark on a path to SDET
Choose a suitable rate
depending on the format and program of the corresponding level of study
MONTH ~$250
a month of training* at any of the levels below (at the START/... levels – replaces the POOL mode with group mentoring for individual mentoring)

* here, and in all rates below, a month of study refers exclusively to the student's time working on the course tasks and does not take into account the mentor's time spent on the relevant code reviews. Example: the student worked for 7 days out of 30 on the first assignment of the course, followed by 2 days of a detailed code review check from the mentor, respectively, at the time of receiving the review, the student still has 30-7=23 days for training instead of 30-7-2=21 ;)
10 000
group mentoring in logic for 2 months
Level up logic thinking as a precondition for programming basic algorithms and developing skills in Test Analysis and Test Design.
5 000
group mentoring in analysis for 2 months
Level up your skills in analysis, decomposition and data structuring, which will give you the main tool for Test Analysis and Test Design tasks in your work as a manual tester as well as test automation or developing.
group mentoring in coding for 2 months
Pump up your basic algorithmic and programming skills...
Master the main tool
the programming language* so that in the future you can already focus on aspects of its use specifically in the context of testing and SDET...
Harden the corresponding soft skills that will help later to cope with the difficulties in solving engineering problems independently and in learning and at work.

* choice of language between: Java, Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, C#
personal interview plus detailed feedback and further recommendations
It doesn't matter if you are an IT engineer with experience or a person who is completely far from IT – check your potential in the context of the skills of a tester, automator or developer to get recommendations for further development.
8 000
personal interview, detailed assessment of skills and the corresponding level according to the skill matrix from intern to lead plus the development of an individual plan for further development
Find out who you are on the scale from beginner to leader in the directions Testing, Testing Automation or SDET and get a further development plan to raise your level accordingly
15 000
BASE ~$250
materials, mentoring, 2 code-review for each task of BASE level in 1 month
Start the SDET journey by learning basic refactoring practices on the example of working with elements locators.

* programming language of your choice: JS/TS, Python, Java, C#

+ 4 tasks on basics of automation user steps in Web UI and refactoring of basic utilities

+ personal tips from mentors and two code-review* for each task

+ start at any time except C# direction (arrange personally)
+ 1 month for completing the course program from the beginning of working on the first task.

+ access on request to the materials from the same program in other available languages (Java/Python/Js/Ts/C#)

* code-review is a mentor's feedback in one of the format, convenient to mentor video or audio recording up to 10 minutes or series of text messages with comments on code.
10 000
materials, mentoring, 2 code-review for each task of DRIVE level on basics of building testing automation on project from scratch – covering user interface (Web UI) with system auto-tests in 6 months
Level up the best practices of building test automation from scratch!

10 tasks on building automation from scratch on a project from planning and releasing first tests to full coverage UI on system level using PageObject and it's varieties to build an application model
1 task on integrating a project with tests in existing CI with remote test run on Selenoid using project template

+ extra tasks if needed (at the discretion of mentor or the course's author)
30 000
materials, mentoring and 2 code reviews for each of the tasks of the BUILD/TOOLING/POC level on the development of a minimum framework (POC) for working with a low-level tool like Selenium WebDriver, for 2 months
To feel confident at the interview* and without problems to join the project where they have not yet grown to Selenide and use self-written pseudo-frameworks :) – learn the best practices of using pure Selenium WebDriver for test automation tasks (when choosing JS or TS as the language of training – you can choose between Selenium Webdriver, webdriverio, Cypress or Playwright).

3 tasks on setting up a test framework for working with a low-level tool like Selenium WebDriver (when choosing JS or TS as the language of training – you can choose between Selenium Webdriver, webdriverio, or Playwright). The tasks include the implementation of a simple Codeception/CodeceptJs-style API, the strong point of which, in addition to simplicity, is the maximum orientation towards readability by mere mortals (not developers). A detailed analysis of both popular anti-patterns, such as BasePage, and more efficient approaches to reusing helpers, oriented towards stabilizing tests for dynamic web applications.

* If you are interested in more in-depth practical knowledge of developing full-fledged libraries like Selenide... or with the goal of improving your portfolio by contributing to open source, or with the goal of learning the corresponding universal approaches for developing any tools for the tasks of your project – pay attention to the more complete version of this level – "BUILD/TOOLING (WEB/UI)"
materials, mentoring and 2 code reviews for each of the tasks for balancing test coverage through the implementation of WEB/UI/UNIT tests and WEB/API/SYS tests for 2 months
To more effectively cover with auto-tests, which will pass faster, respectively run more often, detect potential bugs earlier thus achieving higher KPI on the project thus faster moving up the career ladder...

Task to redistribute Web UI test coverage between System and Unit levels.

Task to redistribute test coverage at the system level (End-to-End tests) between implementation through UI and API.
materials, mentoring and 2 code reviews for each of the high complexity tasks of BUILD/TOOLING level for developing frameworks over 6 months
Learn to develop your own automation tools based on lower-level tools, mastering the best development practices in the field of testing (SDET).

14* tasks** for building your own Selenide-like framework/library around the low-level Selenium WebDriver (when choosing JS or TS as the learning language – you can choose between Selenium WebDriver, webdriverio, or Playwright). The tasks include the implementation of two API styles: simpler and oriented towards understanding by ordinary mortals – like Codeception/CodeceptJs, and more complex and convenient in the context of refactoring – frameworks like Selenide/Selene.

* The number of tasks may vary either by splitting tasks into more granular ones, or by combining some tasks into one.
** This level includes 3 tasks from the level "BUILD/TOOLING/POC (WEB/UI)" ;)
50 000
materials, mentoring and 2 code reviews for each of the tasks on the full setup of the infrastructure for tests for 1 month
In order not to depend on the DevOPS team, become a more versatile engineer who can help in a difficult minute on the project and with infrastructure issues from the point of view of CI/CD Pipeline...

Task for a full setup from scratch of a test framework together with infrastructure for remote test launch from a CI server.

Task for integration with TMS.
materials, mentoring and 2 code reviews for each of the tasks on the advanced use of the main programming language tools (functions, modules, classes) for modeling the domain area in tests, including a deeper practice of implementing different variations of the PageObject pattern – for 3 months
To pump and expand programming skills in terms of modeling the domain area for tests, claiming for higher senior positions and higher pay for your work...

1 task for selector practice
1 task for data modeling
1 task for API preconditions

2 tasks for modeling the full range of typed elements (controls)
* using the tools of the Modular Paradigm
* using the tools of the Object-Oriented Paradigm

1 task for cross-platform tests (web + mobile).
PLUS/ETC ~$375
materials, mentoring and 2 code reviews for each of the tasks on visual testing and the basics of performance testing for 2 months
Task for setting up visual testing in a project with Web UI tests.

Task for the basic setup of performance testing.
materials, mentoring and 2 code reviews for each of the tasks for implementing low-level tests WEB/API/INT + WEB/BACK/UNIT for 2 months
On projects where developers do not know or do not want to write low-level Unit and API tests show them an example on their own, gradually "wrapping up to faith", train them in automation, thus developing their skills as a consultant who can implement automation from scratch in practice at all levels of the automation pyramid...

2 tasks for covering the backend with tests
* "narrow" integration API tests
* component (unit) tests
20 000
LEAD ~$1,500
refactoring exams and code reviews, recommendations plus support for the development of the qualities of a lead engineer and a final interview on the lead within 24 months
To officially become a lead and get appropriate wage right after training is super-difficult (if you're not already Lead or Senior in QA and Testing, just not in automation), but...

In order to actually be able to fulfill the role of a Lead, and independently be responsible for building and implementing an automation strategy on a project from scratch, at this level you receive appropriate recommendations and support in your development, which additionally includes...

* project refactoring exam with tests
* code review exam

+ Interview for a leading engineer
* on modern automation tools
* on best practices and strategies for building automation on the project

60 000

personal career development
Interested in becoming a part of the team or, at least, building your skills and a career with us?

Then BASE format rules are amended and elaborated to:

* admission by interview
* cashback up to 100% according to the results of the interview and additional testing**

* individual amount of code-review on each task
* up to 10 hours of individual lessons
* start at any time agreed with the course author
* individually agreed study duration according to extended course program.

+ level assessment and career development plan
+ employment preparation
+ constant support after employment through the course author company – Automician

** Testing may include taking tests, additional practice tasks and free courses on public platforms. We also take into account the social status of applicants and provide an opportunity to enroll free of charge for unemployed, parents with many children, victims of Russia's military invasion of Ukraine etc. Message me to discuss the details.
0 – $6,500 / 260,000

1 hour of the course author private consultation service on topics of automation and SDET...
* within the course program,
* related to course materials and tasks or other materials and projects you are interested in.

Before buying contact the author and clarify details. The indicated price may change according to the topic difficulty, your level of training, how interesting the case is, etc.

You can also join in groups up to 3 people and divide payment.
5 000

PRIVATE-6 ~$12.50
6 minutes of the course author private consultation service on topics of automation and SDET...
* Same as PRIVATE, for more convenient payment for the time not a multiple of one hour ;)
All prices are tied to the exchange rate USDT/UAH at including commission fee around 3-5% considering the current situation with Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Frequently Asked Questions –
Course Curators –
Iakiv Kramarenko
Author of the program
QA-Consultant with 15+ years of experience in the field.

"Founding father" of open-source libraries
Selene, nSelene, SelenideJs

Writes books
‣ Intro to Software Development (en, рус, укр)
Искусство Автоматизации с Selene
Искусство Автоматизации с Selenide

Gives public talks on conferences and meetups.
Has a channel on youtube. And another one in Ukrainian.
Plus a telegram.
Writes about education.
Shares news on facebook :)
Proud of his students.
  • Vlad Burlachenko
    Course curator
    SDET-engineer. Built a testing process for cryptocurrency exchange. Automates testing of blockchain startup. Completed the similar program on Selenide + Kotlin in the autumn of 2019.

    "Big brother" of the course. Checks assignments and supports in chat.
  • Rina Tenytska
    Course curator
    Iakiv Kramarenko's "right hand" in Automician. Replaces him for SDET-tasks.

    "Big sister" of the course. Checks assignments and supports in chat.
Contact us –
+380 63 845 95 26
Individual Entrepreneur
Kramarenko Iakiv Petrovych
Komunistychna Street 21,
Zayachkivka, Ukraine
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